Saturday, January 19, 2008

Flickr Explore

Compiled from a funny discussion on Flickr about Explore and how to get lots of comments

  • A glossy, high resolution photo of a women holding a kitten and showing cleavage has a high statistical probability of getting on Explore/ Interestingness.
  • It’s optimal that the woman be between the ages of 20 and 27 and wear western fashion. Tags kitten, cat, kitty, woman, beautiful, and sexy, are a must. Similarly named groups are a good start.
  • She would have to be wearing a bikini and be holding a flower with a bug on it i to make it a certainty.
  • And pipe the picture through Photomatix for some tone mapping.
  • Tone mapping is the single biggest factor.
  • Especially if it is overdone.
  • Add somebody as a contact and then comment and fave all of their photos, no matter how crappy they may be, in hopes that they will reciprocate

And this is hilarious
Silly sheep

From Jakerome

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great photo! The best part is, that actually hit #1 on Explore and made it to the front page. My greatest Flickr hack ever.